Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Visit to Flushing, MI

I have had fun with Daisey Mae this week even though her Daddy had to work. Knowing how worried my mom always gets about me, we went to Riverside Animal Hospital for a check-up.

They are very nice people and have cared for Daisey Mae for years and were the Royal Veterinarians for Queen Sadie Sue before that. They gave me the AOK on my health and are displaying all my literature to help educate people about Senior Basset Rescue, the House Of Puddles and Senior Houndsabound.

When I was hungry, we went to a new place that had just opened up a week ago -- Doodle Dog Bakery in downtown Flushing, Michigan.

Today I head out to Washington, DC -- to my next foster stop. I'll be heading to the BROOD Ramble on May 31 and hope LOTS of people will come out to waddle with me!

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